ALIM Web Help

To Configure Default Synchronization Options

You can configure the default synchronization options on the ProjectWise template folder structure. These options are applied to any ProjectWise Connector Level 2 projects that are registered with ProjectWise. These settings are used when registering new documents or new document revisions from ALIM Web to ProjectWise, as well as from ProjectWise to ALIM Web.

Follow these steps to create default synchronization options for ProjectWise template folders.

  1. Enable the ProjectWise template folder structure and project destination folder in AssetWise System Management Console. See "To Add the ProjectWise Projects and Folders You Want to Monitor", in the AssetWise Implementation Guide.
  2. Using the ProjectWise Explorer in AssetWise Director, select the parent template folder node in the tree, and then expand the Synchronization Options topic.
  3. For Level 2 Connector document registration and synchronization function to work properly, you must do the following:
    1. Select Map AssetWise Document to ProjectWise Document
    2. (Optional) You can select Map AssetWise Document Number to ProjectWise, and then click the DocumentNumber Attribute link to map the attribute in ProjectWise that represent the AssetWise document number.
    3. (Optional) You can select Map AssetWise Document Revision to ProjectWise, and then click the DocumentRevision Attribute link to map the attribute in ProjectWise that represent the AssetWise document revision.
    Note: Synchronization options assigned at the parent folder level are automatically applied to all child template folders.
  4. For each mapped child folder that you want to edit, select the child template folder, then in the Content pane click Edit, and then select a Default Template from the list. These templates are used by the synchronization process to create new documents. For example,
  5. To override a synchronization option for a child folder, select the child folder, then expand the Synchronization Options topic, and then select the Registration Action to be applied to the folder. For example, the picture below depicts how all files synchronized from the Renditions folder will be moved to AssetWise ALIM.
    Note: If the folder is only used for renditions, then a template definition is not required. Instead, file types that are configured as rendition file types are placed on the defined rendition document copy on the document previously registered for the native document.